

- 展出日期: 2022年6月28日(二)至7月12日(二)
- 地點:希慎廣場9樓Urban Sky/維多利亞公園南亭廣場/灣仔臨走海濱花園

聚賢薈主席李文龍 MH
- 香港余彭年慈善信託管理委員會
副主席兼秘書長- 世界客屬總商會副會長兼秘書長
- 紫荊青年會副主席
- 市區重建局上訴委員
- 灣仔區撲滅罪行委員會委員
- 東區區議員(2012-2015)
- 灣仔區議員(2016-2019)

聚賢薈有限公司(根據《稅務條例》第88 條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構)自成立以來以「凝聚力量,回饋社會」為宗旨,希望團結及培養青年人積極參與公益及社會事務。近年,聚賢薈除了致力於青年服務及發展外,亦將服務拓展基層家庭及兒童。透過與地區組織一同探訪基層家庭,藉以關注社區內的基層家庭需要,亦希望透過定期舉辦親子活動,讓兒童發揮所長,建立小朋友的自信。
- 改善兒童生活條件 - 為有兒童的低收入住戶提供合理的居住環境,單位內部除了獨立浴室及洗手間,設計上強調配合兒童成長需要,希望為受助兒童提供健康快樂 成長的基本條件,增加接受良好教育的機會,長遠有助打破跨代貧窮的局限。
- 建立社區連繫 - 透過單位內的共用設施,一方面鼓勵住戶互相扶持,長期達致協助住戶建立社區聯繫的目標,另一方面希望通過與不同人的正面溝通互動,盡早提高受助兒童學習能力及認知能力發展。
- 倡導「能力提升」- 項目地點為於市區地段,鄰近銅鑼灣港鐵站,附近的社區配套及交通網絡完善。項目將發掘住戶擁有的知識及技能,系統性協助住戶進行能力提升,加強回饋社區的原素,減少標籤效應。長遠則期望住戶學習新技能,日後能夠增加收入,改善經濟生活條件。

- 提供兩年適切而可供負擔的過渡性居所。
- 為低收入住戶提供住屋、社區支援服務及參與社區活動的一站式服務。
- 銅鑼灣禮頓道106-126號禮信大廈
- 銅鑼灣希雲街23-33A號禮雲大廈
- 正輪候公屋三年或以上並有迫切過渡性住屋需要的家庭或人士
- 現居於惡劣環境或急需社區支援的家庭或人士
- 現居於港島區人士優先
- 已輪候公屋時間越長者優先
- 願意善用入住過渡性房期期間,樂意及願意積極參與社區服務及活動,並且願意提升儲蓄能力、或透過參與課程提升能力或學習新技能
- 2-3人單位 (平均24平方米):共26個
- 2-3人單位: 每個單位設有獨立洗手間,煮食空間及出入口。

- 水、電費及其他費用相關: 擁有獨立電錶及水錶,經聚賢薈計算後,連同租金一同收取。
- 儲蓄及維修儲備金:為鼓勵住戶養成儲蓄習慣,於遷出時如單位沒有損毁,儲蓄及維修基金將退回予住戶,否則該維修基金將用於復修單位。
- 兩年
- 如有特別需要可按個別情況申請續租一次
- 2023年第四季
- 網絡完善,鄰近銅鑼灣港鐵站,並有電車、巴士、小巴等公共交通工具
- 附近的社區配套完善,有公共街市、室內運動場、圖書館、泳池等公共設施

- 2023年7月3日接受申請,額滿即止
填妥申請表格(English|繁中|簡中) 後,請連同所需文件:
- 郵寄至「郵政總局郵政信箱183號 房屋局過渡性房屋專責小組」;或
- 傳真至 3565 4382(過渡性房屋專責小組);或
- 交回設於房委會客戶服務中心或房屋署現金津貼辦事處的收集箱
- 當收到申請人正式回覆入住時,職員會安排進行入住手續及簽訂許可協議;
- 職員會按住戶的實際需要來編配房間及入住時間,編配後不得異議及改動。

- 工程展開前,協助機構進行單位實地勘察,檢查單位内屋宇裝備、樓宇結構等各方面的現況;
- 工程展開前,須與得標的承建商進行「實地勘察」,詳細講解所有的工程項目及注意事項、工程時間表及須提交的報告等等;
- 在工程展開中期間,每星期最少1次到工地現場,協助機構與承建商溝通,在挑選工程材料等各方面給與專業意見,以及督導承辦商的整體工程進度、施工程序、工程進度及質量控制;
- 在完工時,協助機構驗收單位、覆核完工報告等。
- 建築或屋宇設備文憑/證書
- 了年或以上工程監工及項目跟進經驗
- 細心,有耐性,勤奮,富有責任感,良好溝通技巧
- 有項目跟進及管理工程經驗為優先
- 可立即上班及能於星期六、日工作優先
- 監督「過渡性房屋計劃」單位裝修工程;
- 監控工程進度及施工準則;
- 協助驗收單位、批核工程款項、覆核完工報告及簽發完工證明;
- 就工程的技術層面提供專業意見。
- *符合小型工程監管制度下進行小型工程的訂明合
- 資格建築專業人士
- 5年或以上擁有工程項目管理及工程顧問經驗
- *沒有任何刑事或非刑事犯罪紀錄
- *沒有任何不良嗜好
- 良好溝通技巧
- 可立即上班及能於星期六、日工作為優先
臨時管業服務助理 (Temporary Estate Assistant)
- 協助處理有關租務、租客搬遷及相關行政工作;
- 協助處理申請、面談及家訪事宜;
- 協助「過渡性房屋計劃」日常營運及設施管理工作;
- 協助籌劃社區活動
- 副學士學位或以上;
- 至少6個月工作經驗,擁有物業管理或社區服務經驗者優先考慮;
- 良好中英文書寫及溝通技巧;
- 對基層服務有熱誠
應徵者請將履歷表 (註明現職薪金、期望薪金、可到職日期),電郵至info@csshk.org,電郵主旨請註明「申請管業服務助理」。
Job Vacancy: Temporary Estate Assistant (Temp EA)
Assist in a government funded transitional housing project "TH project", including operation and administration aspects as belows:
- administration works of the TH project before and after tenants' intake;
- to assist frontline operation duties of TH project;
- conduct regular home visits with and telephone interviews with tenants;
- perform basic facilities management duties and arrange technicians to carry out routine repair and maintenance work if necessary;
- assist in the operation and administration of a community service centre;
- assist in the implementing of social service projects.
- Tertiary education with equivalent to or above Diploma level from a local or overseas educational institution;
- Min. of 6 months of solid exp. in administration;
- Experience in property management would be an advantage;
- Experience in NGOs and/or social service sector would be an advantage
- Good communication skills (in both English and Chinese) and interpersonal skills;
- Positive, cheerful and good working attitude, be a good team player and have the ability to work independently and under pressure.
Contract duration:
12 months
How to Apply:
Please send your resume with expected salary and job reference to info@csshk.org. Please specify "Application for the post of Temp EA" in the email subject.
Application deadline:
12 March 2022
- Tertiary education with equivalent to or above Diploma level from a local or overseas educational institution;
- Min. of 6 months of solid exp. in administration;
- Experience in property management would be an advantage;
- Experience in NGOs and/or social service sector would be an advantage
- Good communication skills (in both English and Chinese) and interpersonal skills;
- Positive, cheerful and good working attitude, be a good team player and have the ability to work independently and under pressure.
Contract duration:
12 months
How to Apply:
Please send your resume with expected salary and job reference to info@csshk.org. Please specify "Application for the post of Temp EA" in the email subject.
Application deadline:
12 March 2022
Recruitment for Temporary Estate Assistant (Temp EA)
Centre Stage Squarer LimitedKennedy Town
Job Highlights
- Secretarial and Administration support to the Project Manager (To assist administration works of the project before and after tenants intake)
- Tertiary education with equivalent to or above Diploma level from a local or overseas educational institution
- Min. of 6 months of solid exp. in administration
- Passion for the underprivileged
The Company
Centre Stage Squarer Limited (a charitable organization exempted from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance) has been established for the purpose of "gathering strength and giving back to society", hoping to unite and cultivate young people to actively participate in public welfare and social affairs. In recent years, apart from dedicating to youth services and development, Centre Stage Squarer Limited has also expanded its services to grassroots families and children. By visiting grassroots families, we can pay attention to the needs of grassroots families in the community. We also hope that through regular parent-child activities, children can use their strengths and build children's self-confidence.
Centre Stage Squarer Limited recently received government funding from the "Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organizations “and rent them to the public housing waiting list members in the form of short-term rentals and lower rents. We aim to improve their living environment and to relieve the economic pressure of grassroots families in the short-term, and to provide all kinds of appropriate support and social services, so that grassroots families can strive for upward mobility.
The Job
You will:
Assist administration works of the project before and after tenants intake.
- provide support in projects' record keeping
- questionnaire/survey preparation
- handle correspondences and file reports independently
- assist in analyzing projects information, compile statistical data and relevant estate reports for review
- conduct home visits with the Project Manager and telephone interviews
- communicate with tenants and arrange estate maintenance
- liaise with tenants for service visit arrangement
- be able to work during holidays, beyond office hours and to perform shift duties if so required
About You
You should have:
- Tertiary education with equivalent to or above Diploma level from a local or overseas educational institution.
- Min. of 6 months of solid exp. in administration
- Experience in property management would be an advantage
- Be able to handle sensitive and confidential matters in a professional manner
- Experience in NGOs and/or social service sector would be an advantage
- Good communication skills (in both English and Chinese) and interpersonal skills; high working efficiency
- Positive, cheerful and good working attitude, be a good team player and have the ability to work independently and under pressure
- Hands-on experience in Microsoft Office applications and proficiency with Chinese Word processing, Excel and PowerPoint
Terms of employment
Contract duration: 12 months in total
How to Apply
Please send your resume, complete with expected salary and job reference to:info@csshk.org
Application deadline: 18th Feb 2022
We are an equal opportunity employer. Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly in accordance with the notice to employees and prospective employees relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. A copy of which will be provided immediately upon request.
Recruitment for Temporary Programme Assistant (Temp PA)
Centre Stage Squarer LimitedKennedy Town
Job Highlights
Provision of social and community support services to tenants of the project
- Assist in funding recruitments and proposals writing
- Tertiary education with equivalent to or above Diploma level from a local or overseas educational institution
- Min. of 6 months of solid exp. in social services or related services
- Passion for the underprivileged
The Company
Centre Stage Squarer Limited (a charitable organization exempted from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance) has been established for the purpose of "gathering strength and giving back to society", hoping to unite and cultivate young people to actively participate in public welfare and social affairs. In recent years, apart from dedicating to youth services and development, Centre Stage Squarer Limited has also expanded its services to grassroots families and children. By visiting grassroots families, we can pay attention to the needs of grassroots families in the community. We also hope that through regular parent-child activities, children can use their strengths and build children's self-confidence.
Centre Stage Squarer Limited recently received government funding from the "Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organizations “and rent them to the public housing waiting list members in the form of short-term rentals and lower rents. We aim to improve their living environment and to relieve the economic pressure of grassroots families in the short-term, and to provide all kinds of appropriate support and social services, so that grassroots families can strive for upward mobility.
The Job
You will:
Plan and execute diverse tenants’ programs and maintain centre operation
- Assist in programme funding recruitments and proposals writing
- Meeting minutes taking and assist in reports writing
- Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese
- Well versed in MS Office and common software
- Self-motivated and good team player
About You
You should have:
- Have tertiary education with equivalent to or above Diploma level from a local or overseas educational institution
- Be a registered social worker
- Have min. of 6 months of solid exp. in social services.
- Be capable to see the needs of tenants and create social service programmes to fit their needs.
- Have experience in proposal writing and sponsorship would be an advantage
- Have experience in NGOs and/or social service sector would be an advantage
- Have good written and verbal communication skills (in both English and Chinese) and interpersonal skills;
- Positive, cheerful and havegood working attitude, be a good team player and have the ability to work independently.
- Have hands-on experience in Microsoft Office applications and proficiency with Chinese word processing, Word, Excel and PowerPoint
- Be organized and self-motivated. Experienced in Programme or Event Management would be an advantage
- Able to work during holidays, beyond office hours and to perform shift duties if so required
Terms of employment
Contract duration: 12 months in total
How to Apply
Please send your resume, complete with expected salary and job reference to:info@csshk.org
Application deadline: 18th Feb 2022
We are an equal opportunity employer. Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly in accordance with the notice to employees and prospective employees relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. A copy of which will be provided immediately upon request.
- 電話:6223 4160
- 電郵:project@csshk.org
- 辦公時間:
星期一至五: 上午十時至下午五時 (午膳時間: 下午一時至二時)